After years and years of inhaling cigarette, pipe, or cigar smoke, your body has altered your pleasure centers of your brain, even created special receptors in your brain for nicotine and tobacco. This is common with any pleasurable thing in which one partakes. It also alters your immune system. If you do not eat and drink healthy while partaking of that which is both habit and pleasure, you could become very sick.
25 January 2018
If you are celebrating your husband's fiftieth birthday, you are more than likely pondering over what he would like best in the way of a celebration and in the way of a gift. From evaluating his personality to selecting his favorite cigars, here are some ideas that might help you to plan a memorable day for the man you love. The Celebration - How long have you known the birthday boy? If he is fifty, it might be that you've known him a long time.
23 January 2018
While sales of cigarettes continue to decrease, vape pens and e-cigarettes continue to rise in popularity amongst smokers. Vaping presents unique benefits compared to smoking cigarettes. If you have been on the fence about making the switch to vaping, just consider these reasons: Vaping is Better for You While vaping isn't harmless since e-cigarettes still contain nicotine, it is considered significantly better for your health than smoking cigarettes. Vaping does not expose your lungs to tobacco or harsh toxins and carcinogens like tar or ammonia.
15 January 2018